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I am a senior at the University of Tennessee- Knoxville majoring in Supply Chain Management. Yes, supply chain. The same supply chain that is all over the news getting criticized, complained about, and is the most searched topic on Google since COVID-19. I've always been one to problem solve so it seems fitting that this is the topic I am studying my life away for. Dream big they say, so here are my dreams:


1. Be a part of the solution to fix America's Supply Chain

2. Find the best-iced coffee that has equal flavor but is not overpowering

3. Not work a day in my life


What? Not work a day? Yes. I want to enjoy my days away not work my days away. I have found what I am passionate about and enjoy learning about. Therefore, I enjoy my days learning and I hope to carry that in my future jobs. 


That's me. As real as it gets. The glass is always half full and where problems are, comes opportunities to learn. 

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